
published by joe

alla porta

domenica, dicembre 23, 2007

una musica che invade il cuore come una marea che sale, lentamente. e' dolorosa quanto bella, in grado di far crollare le fondamenta sulle quali giaccio oggi.
penetra e si espande, si gonfia, calda, cresce e si dilata. annega le esigenze e le volonta', cancella presente e passato e futuro, e fa emergere come immagini scacre, gli ancestrali sogni. i desideri piu' puri come quadri di di vergini venute a galla da pozzi, statue di madonne nere incagliate nelle reti di pescatori.
bisogna partire, anche se ora non riesco a muovermi, contaminato, infine, dalla magnificenza di una creazione senza pari. in tutte le sue versioni: ognuna aggiunge ricchezza all'originale che non ha bisogno di essere arricchita.
ha svuotato tutto, sento le ossa vuote, le gambe come immerse in una liquido amniotico dal quale non vogliono uscire. gli occhi aperti a fissare il suono e catturarlo, cristallizarlo in immagini sonore. la mente raccoglie visioni e suoni e sentimenti che vengono da lontano e li cuce insieme.
sembra tristezza ma non puo' essere, e solo voglia di essere altrove, dentro quella stessa musica, una nota nella perfezione

devo andare al Gran Café Tortoni - Avenida de Mayo 825

posted by io @ 2:05 PM 0 comments

Libertango (Horacio Ferrer)

Mi libertad me ama y todo el ser le entrego.
Mi libertad destranca la cárcel de mis huesos.
Mi libertad se ofende si soy feliz con miedo.
Mi libertad desnuda me hace el amor perfecto.

Mi libertad me insiste con lo que no me atrevo.
Mi libertad me quiere con lo que llevo puesto.
Mi libertad me absuelve si alguna vez la pierdo
por cosas de la vida que a comprender no acierto.

Mi libertad no cuenta los años que yo tengo,
pastora inclaudicable de mis eternos sueños.
Mi libertad me deja y soy un pobre espectro,
mi libertad me llama y en trajes de alas vuelvo.

Mi libertad comprende que yo me sienta preso
de los errores míos sin arrepentimiento.
Mi libertad quisieran el astro sin asueto
y el átomo cautivo, ser libre ¡qué misterio!

Ser libre. Ya en su vientre mi madre me decía
“ser libre no se compra ni es dádiva o favor”.
Yo vivo del hermoso secreto de esta orgía:
si polvo fui y al polvo iré, soy polvo de alegría
y en leche de alma preño mi libertad en flor.

De niño la adoré, deseándola crecí,
mi libertad, mujer de tiempo y luz,
la quiero hasta el dolor y hasta la soledad.

Mi libertad me sueña con mis amados muertos,
mi libertad adora a los que en vida quiero.
Mi libertad me dice, de cuando en vez, por dentro,
que somos tan felices como deseamos serlo.

Mi libertad conoce al que mató y al cuervo
que ahoga y atormenta la libertad del bueno.
Mi libertad se infarta de hipócritas y necios,
mi libertad trasnocha con santos y bohemios.

Mi libertad es tango de par en par abierto
y es blues y es cueca y choro, danzón y romancero.
Mi libertad es tango, juglar de pueblo en pueblo,
y es murga y sinfonía y es coro en blanco y negro

Mi libertad es tango que baila en diez mil puertos
y es rock, malambo y salmo y es ópera y flamenco.
Mi libertango es libre, poeta y callejero,
tan viejo como el mundo, tan simple como un credo.

De niño la adoré, deseándola crecí,
mi libertad, mujer de tiempo y luz,
la quiero hasta el dolor y hasta la soledad.


posted by io @ 1:43 PM 0 comments



posted by io @ 10:37 AM 0 comments

venerdì, dicembre 21, 2007

rapido aggiornamento prenatalizio

non mi sento propriamente sfigato a tal punto da eiaculare soddisfazione per qualcosa che ho fatto, ma capita alle volte che un sorriso di mero compiacimento si impossessi del mio volto...
threads in php 4 sono una cosa che possono fare anche i bambini, diciamocelo!, basta girare su una macchina linuz e conoscere il trucco (lanciare i processi php con system() ricordndosi di ridirezionare l'output e di lanciare il processo in background>> /temp/file &).
Ma avere un trigger intelligente che processa utenti, lancia threads, controlla i processi attivi, resuscita quelli morti(features non acora completata ma definita), e mantiene un livello di processi attivi costantem, e' puro divertimento.

sono tornato in ufficio da 3 ore. mi sono tolto le scarpe e ho mangiato cibo vario.
alle 3 ho bevuto 2 bicchieri di merlot, dalle 4 alle 5 mi sono fatto 1 bud, 1 bass, 1 guinness, e sono tornato a lavorare, e dato che era rimasto mezzo bicchiere di vino ho deciso di non lasciarlo evaporare.
seth e' andato. E quindi? nulla, ma in compenso ci siamo bevuti il merlot.
seth e' andato. E quindi? nulla, ma in compenso ci siamo fatti 3 birre e una partita a freccette.

questi sono i miei threads per ora.
rido e rimedio un appuntamento pomeridiano per il week-end. la dovrei devo capire cosa c'e' che non va

mysql> select v.childid,vp.schedule_id, count(*) from vcc_rebill v,vcc_rebill_processes vp where v.processing=1 and v.childid=vp.childid group by v.childid, vp.schedule_id order by schedule_id;
| childid | schedule_id | count(*) |
| 211841073 | 840 | 68 |
| 211841084 | 840 | 128 |
| 211841125 | 840 | 179 |
| 211841176 | 840 | 152 |
| 211841217 | 840 | 164 |
| 211841258 | 840 | 213 |
| 211841030 | 840 | 141 |
| 211841041 | 840 | 134 |
| 211841062 | 840 | 118 |
| 211921050 | 840 | 854 |
| 211836100 | 9092 | 358 |
| 211836121 | 9092 | 335 |
| 211836152 | 9092 | 333 |
| 211836173 | 9092 | 322 |
| 211836204 | 9092 | 321 |
| 211906100 | 9092 | 668 |
| 211836225 | 9092 | 419 |
| 211906121 | 9092 | 678 |
| 211906162 | 9092 | 697 |
| 211906183 | 9092 | 724 |
| 211922040 | 9093 | 845 |
| 211922071 | 9093 | 854 |
| 211922112 | 9093 | 850 |
| 211922133 | 9093 | 847 |
| 211922143 | 9094 | 857 |
| 211922164 | 9094 | 872 |
| 211922174 | 9095 | 247 |
| 211922090 | 9095 | 242 |
| 211922111 | 9095 | 246 |
| 211922132 | 9095 | 243 |
| 211922163 | 9095 | 245 |

per te che non leggerai: ho navigato la tua pelle seguendo tutte le infinite rotte baciandola tutta

posted by io @ 7:06 PM 0 comments

mercoledì, dicembre 19, 2007

cantu siciliano

"...senti sta' trummina como spacca piano piano..."

se ti muovi solo sei piu' veloce



posted by io @ 11:22 AM 0 comments

martedì, dicembre 18, 2007

the catcher in the rye

"...non raccontate mai niente a nessuno. Se lo fate finisce che sentite la mancanza di tutti"

posted by io @ 10:25 AM 0 comments

giovedì, dicembre 13, 2007

flycell xmas party on the boat

posted by io @ 10:13 AM 0 comments

martedì, dicembre 11, 2007


12/04/07 08:00 out
12/05/07 04:00 in
12/05/07 08:00 out
12/05/07 23:30 in
12/06/07 08:30 out
12/06/07 21:00 in
12/06/07 21:30 out
12/08/07 14:00 in
12/08/07 15:30 out
12/10/07 21:30 in
12/11/07 8:00 out

TT (7X24)= 168
TTIH = (4+9,30+0,30+1,30+11,30)=27



posted by io @ 9:01 AM 0 comments

lunedì, dicembre 10, 2007

corea del sud - dicembre 2007



posted by io @ 1:39 AM 0 comments

venerdì, dicembre 07, 2007

mosche da bar

it was 1.45am when i decided to leave.
i got my stuff, put the jacket on an went out. i needed to breathe, i needed to move, to walk, i couldn't sit anymore.i left.
it was cold outside, enough for me, enough to enjoy my breathing cloud and to blow it more. it took the color of the night and the street's lights and the stars, visible from there, and the green lights of that descending piece of snapshot of the Verrazano bridge.
Walking, everything needed to feel free, free from mind, free from life. hands in the pockets, the collar up, to cover the hears, and hair up in a samurai style.
only black cabs driving their ways, looking for clients like street's moving hookers in black, black-leathered inside: wheel-shadows slowly splashing on their sides the lights reflected on the street like puddles after
i walked because i wanted it, thinking without focusing, feeling the cold, feeling myself, the best entity i've ever felt in my life.
not tired, as usual, never tired. why? i stopped asking myself why, i do not care. i walked, alone: i can move faster or slower, moving like a shadow, listing at sounds, fearing there could be someone on my back, stepping on the crunching leaves, looking at the black corners, at suddens movements, and i can keep breathing in the cold.
rumbling around i saw an irish pub: it was not the first time i noticed it, not the first time i wanted to enter. it was there, open at 2am, irish in brooklyn. why do not enter? because it late. late for what? for sleeping. Am i tired? no. What am i waiting for? Why do not i enter? what is keeping me out? my mind. Why? because it says i should not because i do not have any reason. Do i need a reason? no. So, then, can i enter in there? yes. What am i thinking? movies, scenes, lonely people who get a drink in the middle of the night because the are alone. Do i feel alone? no, i did not say that, i am alone, it is different, it is not bad. Want I feel for real all those feelings i've only smelt through books and movies and songs and imagination? let's see how it tastes: i'd like to be in ireland now.
I entered the bar: immediately a whiff of smoke and rap music crashed into my nose and my ears. A huge man was standing in front of the bar, drinking a bud light, beard and short fair hair. few people inside: the barman, hispanic ghetto guy, his probably wife, american, blond, as large as a rubber dinghy; a 50-years-old lady at the end of the bar, in a funky red sweater, looked at me with her sliding-down eyes, half drunk half sleepy; another girl on the bar, close to the red lady, talking to the barman's wife, maybe her sister, on the same way of getting her bottom as large as a 2 sits one. Another young girl looked at me as i entered and then started playing darts with an hidden man i could not see at all. I thought to old inn and new irish pubs, people laughing and talking and music from fiddles and flutes and bodhráns...while everything i could get was 50cent and a "smartass" from the barman to his lady.
the lady came to take my order and i asked for a guinnes, the only taste of ireland i could only get. she prepared my drink, half drunk: she looked at me and said:"three steps: it gets ready in three steps". i smiled and answered yes, at the time, at that point it did not care. i wanted vomit them all my being disappointed, angry, pissed off: they took possession or inherited something do not belong to them at all, not that night, while i was looking for a kind of peace, a rest, that only that pub in waterford gave me.
they, with their rap music, were as fake as my smile when i said her :"yes". they were nothing and they were not supposed to be anything. change your name, your drinks, the bottle you have. take all the wood bar out, the chair, the pretending-being-an irish-puh atmosphere you have inside, keep drinking your bud light and your shot of shit.
i rolled up my legs on the stool and i started thinking and remembering and surrounding myself of sweet memories and then it popped out of my mind a movie, exactly what i was feeling when i decided to enter: "trees lounge", "mosche da bar".
i finished my beer, paid my bill and went out: i got everything for that night.

posted by io @ 4:11 PM 0 comments

mercoledì, dicembre 05, 2007

Blade Runner - Ridley Scott

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like rain. Time to die.

Can the maker repair what he makes?
Would you like to be modified?
I had in mind something a little more radical.
What seems to be the problem?
Death. Well, I'm afraid that's a little out of my jurisdiction, you...
I want more life, fucker.

Etichette: ,

posted by io @ 11:06 PM 0 comments

everything always starts like this




...and then u just have to fill in the structure

posted by io @ 9:53 AM 1 comments

lunedì, dicembre 03, 2007

ma mastella non dovrebbe sedere dietro?

Etichette: ,

posted by io @ 7:45 AM 0 comments

snow in central park


posted by io @ 12:03 AM 0 comments

last year


posted by io @ 12:00 AM 0 comments

domenica, dicembre 02, 2007

La prima neve

farina sulla tavola di legno su cui mia nonna preparava le fettuccine. uno strato sottile che lascia intravedere i colori sotto, che non e' riuscita a nascondere perfettamente.
ancora e' solo l'inizio, ma al 2 Dicembre, possimamo dire di essere sulla giusta strada

posted by io @ 9:46 AM 0 comments