
published by joe

alla porta

giovedì, maggio 29, 2008

latin way

l'anima e' una banderuola: i miei venti sono la musica.
adesso naviga su Latin Way (Negra Beats)

che pena

posted by io @ 8:13 PM 0 comments

New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble - date italiane

per chi si trovasse a passare da queste parti

19/07 - Bosco Albergati (Italy) Festa Dell'Unità
21/07 - Verona (Italy) Musica in Movimento

posted by io @ 8:42 AM 0 comments

mercoledì, maggio 28, 2008

come una foglia che cade....

non sono mai stato a cagliari, non sono mai stato in sardegna. oggi e' piu' difficile di un tempo, almeno per ora

posted by io @ 1:27 PM 0 comments

martedì, maggio 27, 2008


amarok & da riga di comando e la musica parte da sola dopo un minuto
Little Tango.
Argentina, olle'!! suona come un ricordo.
tempo di definire il gantt per oggi, i ragazzi vanno controllati

posted by io @ 9:21 AM 0 comments

lunedì, maggio 26, 2008

buon compleanno

posted by io @ 11:49 PM 0 comments

non mi ricordavo di quello che ero

bianca camicia di lino, un jeans vecchio lacero sul ginocchio, i capelli bagnati che l'acqua tiene giu' in riccioli molli e un po' di rosso in volto.
allargo le braccia come il cristo di rio e danzo capoeira prima di uscire. carico di vita per questa notte finiro' a calciare i sassi che mi disturbano il cammino

posted by io @ 8:04 PM 0 comments

coney island ventosa, che odora di fritto e colore e il vociare della gente in fila per un hot dog da nathans.
la sabbia sotterra libro e maglietta lentamente, incessabile come il tempo: piccole dune fanno pensare al sahara, non ci sono mai stato: dovrei dormirci per 10 notti. mi torna in mente "viaggiatore notturno".
angola danzata davanti alla bam, benedetta dal primo sole estivo: non mi sono fatto domande, sarei rimasto per ore ma un mojito ha suonato la campana.
brooklyn nera, lucida: vena in cui scorre un ritmo accessibile a pochi.

posted by io @ 7:26 PM 0 comments

e intanto vado al mare, cosi' non ci penso. coney island dopo un anno. ne passa di tempo

posted by io @ 10:56 AM 0 comments

sabato, maggio 24, 2008

un altro cielo

da una finestra sottosopra ho guardato una nuvola in cammino in un cielo che non mi appartiene. il bianco si e' sciolto ed e' rimasta un'altra serie da 30 addominali a riaddormentare l'io destato

posted by io @ 2:14 PM 0 comments

venerdì, maggio 23, 2008

ubriaco di me stesso, incontro un amico per tornare sobrio per qualche ora.

posted by io @ 10:51 PM 0 comments

[11:17:36] … mi brucia lo stomaco alle volte
[11:17:49] … il pensiero scende fino a li,' nel profondo

posted by io @ 11:21 AM 0 comments

queremos paz, siempre
queremos volver al sur

posted by io @ 10:01 AM 0 comments

venerdi' di maggio, venerdi' di malessere dell'animo. indaffarato un tempo e divertito nell'intorno del momento piu' bello, quando epsilon e' piccola e tende a zero, come in un limite. seduto al mio tavolo mi chiedo se le banane gialle siano da sole la prova evidente e sconcertante del mio cambiamento. ho iniziato la ricerca, quella seria, ieri. la conoscenza che si accumula e' la zavorra, una scusa in piu'. mi vedo compiere azioni, non sono piu' solo pensieri: le visioni, nitide, hanno troppa realta' in loro. uno zaino contiene tutto. E' quasi ora di terminare anche questo vago registro polidromo

posted by io @ 7:41 AM 0 comments

posted by io @ 12:34 AM 0 comments

giovedì, maggio 22, 2008

una giornata senza pretese; avrei voluto vomitare tutto fuori.
by this river e' una dedica...a me stesso, ormai. perche'?

posted by io @ 6:55 PM 0 comments

" condanna[...] di stare a spiare con disgusto , fra le sbarre del retrobbottega, l'immondizia altrui che si ammucchia sotto la pioggia in quel cortile interno che e' la mia vita"

posted by io @ 9:10 AM 0 comments

mercoledì, maggio 21, 2008

e' finita la pioggia

e ha lasciato le fronde cariche di gocce d'acqua. ho camminato allargando le braccia, in equilibrio sul filo del mio percorso, senza che ci vedessi un significato, senza che rappresentasse un destino. ho infilato la testa sotto i rami bassi , chiome verdi piu' folte della mia, e li ho scossi, delicatamente, e mi sono bagnato della loro pioggia e ho riso. ho riso all'acqua e alle foglie, e alle sorprese persone che mi hanno incrociato lungo la stranda, ho riso al mezzo busto che vende i gelati all'angolo tra union e la 5a e ne ho ricevuto un sorriso indietro. ho attraversato la strada con i riflessi del semaforo sulle gocce d'acqua che colavano lente sui miei vecchi occhiali

posted by io @ 10:51 PM 0 comments

lunedì, maggio 19, 2008

Originally uploaded by JorgeLopez.

Etichette: , ,

posted by io @ 11:50 AM 0 comments

Originally uploaded by JorgeLopez.

Etichette: , ,

posted by io @ 11:18 AM 0 comments

extreme pleasure, lesbian experience, hand job, jeff's blue ball

Pennsylvania camping: Red Ridge Lake Campground...Another state added to the list of my us visited states, another 3-days crazy journey with jorge bob jeff and jed, another time without my camera, waiting for jorge's pictures.
crazy way to go there: because i could not leave on thursday(long story to be told) i snaked out of my office friday at 6pm and i run to the path. got the path to Newark, jumped there on a train to Plainfield and called Regina to pick me up at the station. She drove me home and there i took jorge's yellow huge jeep, put a sleeping bag and called him right before leaving. i was on the phone following his direction, inside his garage:" Ok, do you see something to shoot potatoes?"- shooting potatoes??? what the hell is this? - "jorge, what are you talking about?" "Yes, a potato cannon. it is a white pipe tall ....." i found it and i grabbed also a spry, one of those used to scent the air on. I was puzzled about that: as i could not believe someone can really shoot potatoes i wondered how a 4-feet(about 120 cm) white pipe and a scent spray could be used in a camping ground, but as i'm fresh at camping and super fresh at american camping i shout my mouth, i stuffed the jeep with it also, got my printed streets indication and got on my way to the middle of nowhere. As supposed i got lost, but i did immediately, at the very beginning, just to start feeling confident on the upshot: only after 10 additional miles i was finally able to get the highways and drive my ass seriously to them. nothing to tell: a jeep on an highway is much worse than my old glorious scooter on the GRA: at least when i left the handlebar it used to go straight and not right, but they shacked in the same way, even though i remember feeling more comfortable with it. 140 miles driven, a quick stop for a snack and to fill in gas, 3 different interstates and so much rain i kept thinking: why did not i stay home and sleep?
finally there: i met jorge jeff and jed at the gas station, couple of miles far from the camping, after about 3 hours driving, i was so freaking happy! was not raining there but they really looked wet. jed jumped on "my" jeep and we headed our way to the tent while i realized that i would never have been able to go there from the station even if had my directions! jed explained me what a potato cannon is and i got astounded about that craziness and he started laughing telling me he did picture my face inside jorge's garage looking for something to shoot potato with: no way for me to understand what the hell he was talking about, and he was right...
cold night, we started up a fire and we talked and drunk: i was not in the mood of drinking (kind of weird), of talking neither, and by the end i was the only sober withing the group. the fire went on for about 5 hours: it only needed half a bottle of kerosene because of the wet wood at the very beginning. Nothing of what has been told around the fire could come out of that but, as normal, different alcoholic states brought up different topics: sex, love, feelings, politic: I felt like i was with my old missing friends and i realized that no matter of where you are and who are your friends, you will always talk about the same things: sounds like : "this is life". They made me feel happy and sad: i got blamed by jed for breaking up with silvia and got hugged by jorge couple of times. our words flew out drawing our own worlds hiding, not that much, our realities: maybe it was not fare i did not get drunk, but i could suck out everything was hidden behind our speeches, just like eating claws. all that night was headed by jeff's cocktails made of the same licker and juices i guess, probably he added some kerosene too!!!! he made it, he chose the name that somehow followed our conversations: extreme pleasure, lesbian experience, hand job, jeff's blue ball. only the last i can't remember it but i'm sure it did not sound that different from the others. the moon showed up in the middle of the night cracking away the rainy clouds and starts twinkled through the high trees, jed fell down couple of time and i took a quick nap around 4am due to my sober state. it was almost dawn when we decided to go sleeping; jed had been snoring the hell out of him when i had to kick him to shut him down: an hard job but i got used to do it.
saturday morning we mostly felt like shit, and we needed a strong breakfast to sponge out the alcohol (not myself this time): taco bell was target. nothing better than a typical american-mexican low fat cheap burrito! you can be really disgusting in the us. saturday afternoon was spent shooting each other, simulating war and attacks: too much fun when sitting out of the car's window, while jorge was driving, i shot the others so bad, without they could not hide anywhere: bb guns can hurt sometimes. dirty, muddy and tired we went eating somewhere next to the middle of nowhere: the Blue Comet Diner! not much for the rest of the night: it rained till next morning and extinguished our fire pitilessly. alcoholess night inside the tent playing cards(hearts!!) and listening at the sound of the rain trying to stretch our legs, i finally got tired of all of that: i waited forever before going sleeping while i just wanted to give it up and leave in the middle of the night heading my way to a different place. the story ends with a session at the shooting ground: 44 magnum desert eagle, .22 caliber, shotgun; i felt like i had my baptism. Sadness flowed inside slowly and after that there was only the coming back home

posted by io @ 6:51 AM 0 comments

giovedì, maggio 15, 2008

tolleranza zoro

posted by io @ 12:35 PM 0 comments

mercoledì, maggio 14, 2008

wises at the president suite

i'm not referring to my place, but it is close enough. it is a small breakfast-lunch-early dinner place that opened 1 or 2 months ago, downstairs in the building next to mine. it is sad, it is always empty and started with coffee and muffin for 2$ but had to cut it down to 1$, bad time for this kind of business! actually the location is kinda odd: not on the main street (so out for sat and sun brunches) but close to the train (good for take away coffee and breakfast). But it is not fancy at all or, better, it is not attractive: a place without identity you will never stop by. i did, few mornings to taste their muffin: the first time the price was 2$ and i payed only 1 for the muffin (i cannot drink american coffee, no matter the type); the second time, the priced was 1$ for the combination but i did not pay .50, the muffin itself was still 1...
whatever, yesterday night i stopped by i am not sure why, it was 11:10 and i've never seen it open at that time before. i had been wanting hummus so bad in the past 4 days that i thought it would be an opportunity, trying to stop by and check if they had it. The owner and the chef were inside, talking, everything seemed to be closed and done for the day. they looked at me and i hooked at their look to ask if they would serve hummus. the chef looked at the owner then and the owner asked me: to go? i said yes and he explained the guy what to prepare.The conversation started. he told me that they closed already and were talking about how to change the menu as they had been in the business for almost 2 months and it was time to renew it. I nodded all time long listening at the place's story and the people's meanness to his luck while i was waiting for my so craved hummus...and it finally arrived. a bag of hummus, i though it would be a small portion, while the fill in a bag with so much stuff i felt like ready to go pick-nicking: there was a huge plastic plate with hummus and taini, pita bread, pickles and spicy sauce. i payed, keeping nodding at his stories when he stopped talking (for the first time), looked at me deeply and said: "Are you coming from work? You seem tired. You work hard, ah? you should go sleeping,take some rest.". i laughed, while i recalled his words, said couple of minutes before, when he told you cannot work 13-14 hours a day in a place like that...and i decided to answer:"i worked 35 hours in the past 48 right (wise man) i need some sleeping"

posted by io @ 9:01 AM 0 comments

martedì, maggio 13, 2008


questa e' la cosa piu' meravigliosa di sempre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Etichette: ,

posted by io @ 2:51 AM 0 comments

domenica, maggio 11, 2008

beer and licker never been sicker, licker and beer no fear

and what about beer-wine-beer-licker-beer-wine-beer ?
it is a weird pattern, isn't it?
I saw the dawn from a roof in the west village, it was such an experience. roof parties? they come with summer and never end: you'll happen to go downstairs to get some beer while the owner says you hi from the bed where just crashed down. It happens you bring something downstairs to help the guys who're bringing the equipment home and it is day and you think: what am i going to do home now? i should rather have cappuccino e cornetto al bar dei froci, but where the hell is "bar they froci" in the west village? got home at 7 and turned off my phone, just in case, even if i was smart enough yesterday: i called my uncle, who's the only one who's able to wake me up at everytime, he has such a great skill in this!
i woke up finally and my hand moved to it, turned it on and by chance Black started: great way to get back to life

posted by io @ 2:57 PM 0 comments

giovedì, maggio 08, 2008

richard addinsell - concerto di varsavia

non ricordo piu' quante notti mi ha fatto addormentare...lo ascolterei per ore

la mente brulica di ricordi mentre pensieri strani si affacciano.

Etichette: ,

posted by io @ 10:47 PM 0 comments


"...Atomi dell'idrogeno
campi elettrici ioni-isofoto
radio litio-atomico
gas magnetico.

Ti sei mai chiesto quale funzione hai? "

posted by io @ 10:24 AM 0 comments

mercoledì, maggio 07, 2008

jed's birthday

by chance i decided to call him, i just wanted to hang out for a beer and talk about the jazz movie festival at the moma, so i decided to do it after leaving the office and i joined a family conversation he was having with his brother; after his brother hanged on the phone justin called and again a 3-people unreal conversation took place, so freaking funny: nobody knew when to talk and we all happened to speak at the same time...anyway, we decided to meet up at the BAM to go to the Habana Outpost for a mojito.
i was at the BAM couple of minutes earlier, just in time to check the schedule out for this month and to discover that tomorrow there's gonna be for the last night the last wong kar wai movie (i'm so there!!!). They (jed and justin) showed up in a while and talking senseless jed told us that all his family had called him during the day, and apologizing for doing the same even not being a family's member, i asked: " why's that? is maybe your birthday or something like that?" and he answered: "Yes it is!", laughing as usual. Jeez, that's as cool as impossible! i called him just for a beer and it came out it was his b-day, unbelievable!! i asked for proof and he showed me his id, that was true. i was happy, even i would have liked to bring him a present, a book or something like that.
everything turned to be really nice: shallow conversation, not that bad, couple of drinks, a nice place i had never been before and an healthy walk back to home.

posted by io @ 11:27 PM 0 comments

martedì, maggio 06, 2008

Southern Europe

ancora non ho capito chi sei.....uhm uhm

uff no capo per 1 settimana causa scheggia infilata nella pianta del piede. dopo quasi 4 giorni di me and mr jones sono finalmente uscito dal tunnel winehouse per entrare in quello mars volta (di nuovo): De-loused in the Comatorium.

'namo va' che s'e' fatta 'na certa.

mi manca un po' roma

posted by io @ 9:39 PM 0 comments

ho ricomprato il latte

e fatto colazione con kellogg's special chocolatey delight.

posted by io @ 7:51 AM 0 comments

venerdì, maggio 02, 2008

mi muovo rapido, di nuovo

caricata la molla, "i will survive" suona mentre chiudo tutto...sveglia alle 6, perche'? perche' si!

ancora non so dove andare per il 26. italia? a fare che? troppo una pessima data.vigilie... buon compleanno in anticipo

i corpi senza testa continuano a muoversi, cazzo!!!!! furono registrati casi di corpi decapitati che continuarono a camminare per secondi ancora prima di crollare al suolo privi di vita...bisogna aspettare, io non posso rincollare le teste. posso?

vada per una birra stasera, anche se fuori budget.

posted by io @ 8:13 PM 0 comments


posted by io @ 11:58 AM 0 comments

giovedì, maggio 01, 2008

mamma mamma

Etichette: ,

posted by io @ 2:21 AM 0 comments

'round midnight....time to leave

Etichette: ,

posted by io @ 12:32 AM 0 comments