coney island. feeling like in a dream, feeling like i'm 20, feeeling free

two friends. everyone is a friend outside work. enough thirsty and hot for smoothies and vodka. vodka flowing from an hand bag towards plastic glasses. hidden smiling vodka who didn't taste at the beginning, who changed the feeling and made everything easier and wet.

sunny saturday in coney island, of music, rock bands, rolling stones

from the 90th. poor provincial woodstock, in shirts and shorts and beauty and beer and marijuana and cigarettes and restricted areas.

Sunny saturday in coney island, where rivers of people flow in a reboiling lake of thundering

images and voices and movements. everything spins fast and circles round you in coloured wakes.
rumbling cars with screaming people run donw from the sky into the end while the sun set and all is pink and orange and gets sad. I love the wonder wheel as much as clowns and the sky behind it, at it is almost time to leave.

posted by io @ 10:27 AM