
published by joe

alla porta

sabato, giugno 28, 2008

tim italia versione 2.0

it is only 1:41am while i've just finished 1/2 of what i have to do by monday.
Do you know what is a service profile? it is a bag of shit because of the lack of knowledge of the people who write it. On friday night we just realized that we cannot work the way we supposed to; on friday night we just decided to change 3 months of work, getting it ready by next tuesday 12amEST; on fucking friday night i'm in the office doing it because there is no time and because i'm what i am. i left at 7, went to drink 2 beer and came back by 9,30 to do my job. 4 hours to do 1/2 of it.
reminder: next time they come with a service profile bring it to the restrom, you can make a better usage of it.
reminder 2: i will get a new service profile by monday and i will have to smile rather than smashing heads on the desks.
in 10 minutes i will start back coding, blindly, without testing: tests are left to monday's eroes, the good ones.
i will go back home by cab, and if it'll go the same of last time i won't get my money back from these cheaps...i do not care about anymore.
it is just question of time before being dead, all of us and money are not gonna make the long sleeping more comfortable: i will buy a bottle of wine less when i am in argentina.
mind: i think i should get a bat and destroy something.
time to go back working on the motherfuckercountry: why are you so foolish? downloading ringtone is not gonna make your wretched life better and you know what is gonna happen? you will get tired of that ringtone really soon, just the time for the new hit to come out, and u will delete it because you won't have enough space to download the new one or even worse you will buy a new cooler phone and you will loose all the crap you used to download. You miserable minds do not understand that if you lie on a field and let the clouds run over your open eyes and the wind erodes your skin nothing will be different.

posted by io @ 1:41 AM