
published by joe

alla porta

giovedì, gennaio 25, 2007

almost 1 week later...

almost 1 week after my birthday, wrinting back to add some unusefull pictures...
i've no much to say: i had never tought i would be spending my 30th bday so far from her. I think i really realized it just the day before, aware that that was exactly as the same day as the previous or the next one. writing in english is just like bandaging my thoughts: dumb howls, giants in chains in narrow cells.

Reading Paul Auster i'm finally understanding the past perfect tense...

here pictures about me, ethan, eugene, cris, mickey, cristian, francis, fitim and some delicious mini burgers at the "ulysses": thanks them who made me spend a pleasent birthday.
a funny thing: nobody was american. 3 italians, 2 chineses, 1 albanian, 1 korean-usbeco, 1 rumenian
jed, the only american guy, joined us later, just after we had stopped taking pictures.

p.s.: i received a flycell birthday card, signed up by almost all the collegues, and a fifteen bucks gift card to be spent on the books shop near the office. not that bad.

posted by io @ 11:54 PM