
published by joe

alla porta

sabato, gennaio 13, 2007

my first half-month salary

i've been working (hard) since 2 days and i've just received my first half-month salary. Here people get money each 15 days, to spend them as quick as they can(i cannot see other reasons). i've my first check near me and looking at it i realize what i can do with it: as we say in rome "mi ci pulisco il culo!!!". Yes, untill my bank account will not be actived i have an unusefull paper with some numbers written on it. A picture to look at...they do not want my money to be spent: this economy will be growing up without my effort.
by the way taxes and other deductions are the 34,9344% of the total. and, looking at this value, again a roman sentence runs into my mind: "mortacci loro!!!"

posted by io @ 6:49 AM


At 15:15, Blogger Amy said...

When I was in the States...I got paid every week! Spent money like crazy! You get paid once every two weeks? What happened?? I guess there's a recession now...or something like that!
Enjoy!!!! but don't get sick...unless you are super covered by insurance! You could go banckrupt for many generations in that case!


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